Business Centres Flourish when Cash is Tight

During the current economic downturn, many companies are switching to full-service business centres as a cost-saving office alternative. The Montreal Gazette recently published a very article outlining the many financial and organizational benefits of office business centres.

To read the entire article, click on the link below.

Business Centres Flourish when Cash is Tight (Montreal Gazette Article)

The Rostie Group's Summer Kick-Off BBQ

Join us at Piazza Manna on Thursday, June 25th from 5-8pm, for The Rostie Group's First Annual Summer Kick-Off BBQ. Free Sizzlin' Eats, Live Music, Drink Specials, and MORE!

Small Business Social Media Strategies

The Globe and Mail recently held a very interesting panel discussion on the power of Internet social networking for small businesses. Below is a link to the first segment, which covers Twitter, a relatively new, but very valuable way, to increase online-awareness. Check it out to learn some great ways to create a strong web-presence for your small business.

Small Business Scoial Media Strategies (Globe & Mail)