Search Engine Strategies Event - SES Returns to Toronto

Last year's SES Toronto event was the largest Internet Search Conference and Expo in Canada ­this year, the buzz is incredible and it is expected to grow.

If you have never attended a Search Engine Strategies event before, plan on being at SES Toronto 2008. Even SES Toronto alumni need to attend because this industry has reinvented itself and SES Toronto 2008 will be fine-tuned to the latest developments. Don't be left behind as your fellow marketers and SES Alumni gather to learn how to maximize search engine marketing and optimization opportunities, stay informed.

Waterfront Toronto : World's largest urban Revitalization Intiative

Recently some of the Rostie staff had pleasure of listening to a presenation by Bill Hutchinson - chair of i-Waterfront Advisory Council. The project is Waterfront Toronto, and it is the World's largest urban Revitalization Intiative.

Take a look at the presenation below, enjoy!
Read this doc on Scribd: Bill Hutchinson presentation

Live Video Reception

At The Rostie Group we like to bring our clients the newest and best of everything. We also like to be first. This spring we set up the VERY FIRST "Live Video Reception" in our Airport Executive Offices.

Using video conferencing technology we have created a system to connect reception areas via live video feed. Now when the second reception is empty (breaks, project help elsewhere, etc.) the Live Video Reception (LVR) allows the main reception desk to greet and assist visitors, just as if she was sitting in front of them. The receptionist still provides the same hospitality you've come to expect, with the help of the administrative staff.

For your benefit:
- Reception areas are never unattended.
- Staff are available for other projects.
- Internally employees/tenants can connect online to view the reception area.
- Reception information is centralized at one desk.

Call us today at (416) 214-1840 or email us at

Hot Desking

"Hot Desking" Work Stations

In the news lately, a variety of companies have started to catch on to a trend that business centres have been promoting for years. Hot Desking work stations (also described as "Hotelling" or "Plug & Play") are being found in a variety of office environments.

In recent visits to the offices of a large high tech company we were impressed with the way they've embraced the idea of a portable work force. Everyone, including the President of the company, sets up at a work station. Any work station. Staff work from their laptop computer at the desk they have signed-in on and have access to lockers/filing for hard storage.

The business centre environment has always been accomodating to Hot Desking personnel. If your field workforce needs a cost-effective method for working downtown, or near the airport, let us know. We can provide space and internet access, quickly and easily. Ask about storage as well.

We want to give your company the tools to succeed. Your ideas and input are welcome.