High winds have caused numerous power outages throughout the Greater Toronto Area today, most notably in the Downtown Toronto Bay Street financial district. According to the latest details, RBC Centre, First Canadian Place, and The Toronto Stock Exchange are amongst the major corporate sites being affected. Unplanned disruptions like these can have very negative consquences for your business, especially when you consider the long-term ramifications of lost productivity and disabled communication with key associates and clientele. Next time a power outage or other unpredictable incident occurs, be prepared by having an appropriate emergency backup plan. Have your business up and running again in minutes, rather than hours or days!
When disaster strikes, The Rostie Group can provide temporary office space and business support services that will allow your company to make a speedy and seamless recovery. Our expert administrative and technical support staff are trained to help businesses deal with unexpected disruptions. Whether you need short-term or long-term office space during disaster recovery, or an IP Phone System that will allow all your employees to work off-site, The Rostie Group can implement timely solutions which will minimize downtime during costly disruptions. Our state-of-the-art facilities offer videoconferencing technology, hot desk terminals, easy access to public transportation, high-speed internet connections, mail forwarding, telephone answering, full-service catering and host of other services to help your company recover from unplanned and potentially debilitating emergencies.