This week's topic will be...
RRSP’s, TFSA’s, or TRSP?: Choosing the Best Investment Strategy
By Frank Wiginton (TriDelta Financial Partners)
In this Lunch and Learn you will learn:
- The fundamental differences between these options
- Which should use and why
- How and why the TFSA will become THE MOST POWERFUL TAX PLANNING TOOL
- The retirement tool that could earn you more than 10% a year!
- How a financial plan can save you hundreds of thousands in taxes
You should attend if you:
- Want to reduce your overall risk without sacrificing returns
- Can't decide if you should contribute to your RRSP,TFSA or mortgage
- Want greater peace of mind over your finances
- Want independent, unbiased prospective on the economy and markets
Frank Wiginton Biography:
Frank Wiginton is a highly sought after personal finance speaker and a Certified
Financial Planner with TriDelta Financial Partners. Over the past ten years Frank has made it his mission to improve the lives of others by providing independent, unbiased, financial advice. Appearing on Business News Network (BNN), CITYTV, Global TV, and heard on CBC radio and quoted in the Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, MACLEANS, Canadian Business, Chatelaine, and Money Sense Magazine; Frank is routinely asked by the media to comment on personal finance issues. He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Financial Management Advisor (FMA), Canadian Investment Manager (CIM), and a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI).
Registration and Location Details:
This seminar will be taking place in The Pacific Room (20 Bay Street, 11th floor)
from 12:00-1:00pm. To ensure seating, please arrive at least 10 minutes in
advance. To RSVP please contact, and mention whether you will be bringing your own lunch, or wish to purchase one at the seminar. If you will be purchasing a lunch, please also note your sandwich preference, options are Turkey, Tuna, Assorted, Ham, or Veggie.