Chili Cook-Off Winners!

A big thanks to everyone who came out the Chili-Cook Offs at both our Airport and Downtown locations. It was great to see so many familar faces participating in the competition and enjoying the assortment of delectable chilis brought in by our generous tenants. Below is a complete list of winners from both locations.


Best Chili (TIE): John (Paragon Consulting) & Alan (Rostie Tech Rescue)


One Month of Reserved Underground Parking: Mary (The Advantage Group)
$50.00 Sky Lounge Gift Certificate: Madan (Chauhan Financial Services)
Sigg Water Bottle: Nita (PEO Canada)


Best Chili:

1st Place: John (Paragon Consulting)
2nd Place: Alan (Rostie Tech Rescue)


Sigg Bottles: Craig (Exinda), Brian (Veritaaq) and Mark (Net IQ)
Tequila: Marcello (Tonbridge)
6-Pack of Corona: Mike (Veritaaq)
Pierre Cardin Pen Set: Andrew (Exinda)
Weston Harbour Castle Gift Certificate: Koushik (Exinda)

Next year Al and John will be competing against each other in their own seperate category, which means a brand new Rostie Chili-Bowl champion will be crowned at our 2011 event!